Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Aftermath

Well, it hasn't been anything so dramatic as an aftermath, but it's a good, catchy title.

I'll start with prior to the interview, sunday. A had to work a 1/2 day and then we procrastinated. Went to the mall, paid some bills, went out for ice cream... Finally around 7 or so we got down to business. I ws up until 10:30 or so doing internet searches for school phone numbers, zip codes and the like while he updated his log book. Then I went to bed and he continued updating his logbook. At about midnight he woke me up to put in the final tallies into his resume and flight grid.

A short 3.45 hours later, he was up to prep for his flight to Houston. Since our bathroom is off our bedroom, I was awake as well. He was out the door about 4:45am and except for a text msg around 11am, that was the last I heard from him for 12 hours. Somehow we both made it through the day on about 4 hours sleep.

I can't say much about what he said went on during the interview. Honestly, when he starts talking about aviation stuff, I tune out and just listen for important cue words. It's much the same way I tune our preschooler's incessent talking and listen for important word combinations like flush-toy-toilet or throw-cat-balcony.

What I heard of the interview would be- "Well first I filled out a lot of paperwork, then I waited around. Then I got called into the first room with a Captain and he asked me blah, blah, blah and I answered blah, blah, blah and he told me I told him more than he needed. Then I went into another room and the guy asked me blah, blah, blah..." Not an effective gouge. But whatever he said must have worked.

The big question now is, when is his starting date? We don't know. They are trying to do a double class starting on Monday (that's 4 days from now) but they aren't sure they can get approval. So they will let us know by Saturday if he has to be there for Monday's class.

Otherwise it'll be the following Monday, the 2nd. Yep, ok, glad to hear the run around continues on the regional level. So we are planning that he'll be there monday because it is inevitable that he will have to be if we don't plan for it. AND they are revamping the course, so they sent him home with a fine looking poster of the cockpit, but no other study materials. I guess they can't fault them if they don't have their flows and whatnot memorized prior to class. I'm sure he'll do fine.

Yesterday we hit our first snag too. As it turns out, I have to have another procedure done requiring anesthesia next week. Well, since A won't be here, I have to find someone else to be with me for the day, drive me there and back and pick up M from school. I've got AAA for the car, the maintance staff for the apt, babysitters for the kid, but no friends who are free during the day. So I'm working on finding a generous spirit to help me out. At least if he were on a schedule, I'd be able to reschedule for a day he was home, but nope, this has to come up right when he's leaving for 6 weeks. Thanks Murphy's Law! I <3 you too.

Ă‚ At least I am able to get some satisfaction out of compling a big list of to-do's for him to complete before he leaves.

I'm so proud of him for working so hard to get us to this point. I knew it was going to be a good decision for us to come to FL.

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